Mar 8 – 9, 2018
Park Inn by Radisson Copenhagen Airport Hotel
Europe/Copenhagen timezone

100G Optical Transmission, the next evolutionary phase

Mar 8, 2018, 9:25 AM
Park Inn by Radisson Copenhagen Airport Hotel

Park Inn by Radisson Copenhagen Airport Hotel

Engvej 171, 2300 København S
Short talk (45 minutes) DKNOG8


Mr Steve Jones


Optical transmission has always played an important role in high bandwidth delivery and even more so with the drastically increasing bandwidth requirements. From a technology point of view the bandwidth increase of Optical transmission equipment always happens in steps (1G to 10G to 100G) The evolution of these steps and how the technology is used always follows the same pattern.
This talk will examine why 100G Optical transmission is entering a new phase within this pattern.

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