May 5 – 6, 2022
Park Inn by Radisson
Europe/Copenhagen timezone

TreeDN: Tree-based CDNs for Live Streaming to Mass Audiences

Not scheduled
Park Inn by Radisson

Park Inn by Radisson

Engvej 171, DK-2300 Copenhagen S
Standard talk (30 minutes) DKNOG12


Lenny Giuliano (Juniper Networks)


With live streaming audiences sizes exploding, increasing bitrates for 4K/8K/AR, and a greater dependence on the network since the start of the COVID pandemic, are we approaching an inflection point for network resources consumed by live streaming? This talk will examine TreeDN, a tree-based CDN architecture designed to solve the scaling challenges of live streaming to mass audiences. TreeDN enables operators to offer Replication-as-a-Service at a fraction the cost of traditional, unicast CDNs- in some cases, at $0 additional cost to the infrastructure (capex and opex!). Finally, we will illustrate how TreeDN is not just a hopeful promise for the distant future, but available and in use today.

Primary author

Lenny Giuliano (Juniper Networks)

Presentation materials

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