Mar 9 – 10, 2023
Scandic Copenhagen
Europe/Copenhagen timezone

Nine mistakes I've done while building network automation

Mar 9, 2023, 2:00 PM
Scandic Copenhagen

Scandic Copenhagen

Vester Søgade 6, 1601 Copenhagen
DKNOG13 Main Track


Allan Eising (Telia Company)


When designing network automation there are many pitfalls. Network services may be highly complex, and be extremely complicated to implement.

This makes it common to do a few mistakes along the way, and since making mistakes is the number one way to learn and improve, it should be celebrated.

In this talk Allan Eising will go through nine types of mistakes that he has made in his work with network automation.

These mistakes are delivered with humor and suggestions on how to avoid them.

Allan Eising works designing network automation solutions at Telia Company.

Primary author

Allan Eising (Telia Company)

Presentation materials