Mar 6 – 7, 2025
Scandic Copenhagen
Europe/Copenhagen timezone

Call for Presentations

  • Opening day
  • Submission deadline
    No deadline

The regular call for program closed, but the call remains open for lightning talks and short talks. Any longer talks submitted will only be considered in the event of a cancellation.

The DKNOG program committee (PC) is looking for presentations for the upcoming DKNOG conference.

We are very interested in talks within the following areas:

  • IP/Optical transport technologies;
  • Datacenter networking & operations;
  • Network Automation;
  • Software Defined Networking (SDN);
  • Network Function Virtualization (NFV);
  • Internet backbone operation;
  • Research on internet related issues within operation and management;
  • ISP and Carrier services;
  • IPv6 deployment;
  • IPv4 and IPv6 routing, operation and management;
  • Internet policy;
  • IXPs and Peering;
  • Timing and synchronization;
  • Network Security;
  • Various Open Source software solutions within the above topics.

Presentations should fit 30 minutes of content, including time for Q&A. If you have a different format in mind, please let us know and we will evaluate whether it fits.

We are also interested in more lighthearted submissions in the short talk category, as long as they are within the field of interest to our participants. These presentations should be up to 15 minutes long, including time for Q&A.

Finally, we would also welcome a longer keynote talk from a recognized industry personality.

We are very open to all suggestions, so don't be shy. If you are unsure about anything regarding topics, submissions, etc. please drop us an email at

To submit a talk to the conference, please create a user on this site, and submit it here.

The PC will return to you after the submission deadline at the latest.

Should you require assistance with the submission process, do not hesitate to contact the program committee on

The call for abstracts is open
You can submit an abstract for reviewing.