This presentation investigates the proximity to a low Signal-to-Noise Ratio (SNR) threshold that can still maintain a tolerable Bit Error Rate (BER) in 100G / 400G / 800G network links. Additionally, we account for factors such as temperature and cable length to predict the duration for which a reliable network connection can be sustained between transceivers. The analysis, based on data...
This is the "classic" DKNOG Quiz.
You will be tested on your knowledge of Routing, RPKI, Unix history, and most important on the content of the talks of the whole two days.
So, pay attention to all the talks, take note of all the details of slidesets, and prepare your fingers to answer as quick as possible.
Prizes will be given to the three highest scorers!
This talk discusses the conditions and capacities for carrying out studies of the political economy of the internet using publicly available data repositories – often developed for the market rather than research purposes. Building a comparative ownership analysis of internet infrastructures in the largest Nordic welfare states, we present methodological possibilities and limitations, as well...