Mar 6 – 7, 2025
Scandic Copenhagen
Europe/Copenhagen timezone

Tips for IP-Transit Customers

Mar 7, 2025, 3:15 PM
Scandic Copenhagen

Scandic Copenhagen

Vester Søgade 6, 1601 Copenhagen
Full talk (up to 30 minutes) DKNOG Main Track


Theo Voss (


With a few simple changes, IP-transit customers can increase the reliability of the prefix filtering provided to them by their IP-transit providers, and hopefully avoid easy-to-mitigate prefix filtering issues.

As an IP-Transit provider, we ( often encounter prefix list generation issues with our customer's IRR data. In this talk we'll present some easy to implement changes, in relation to their IRR data and PeeringDB data, that have helped our customers, which other IP-transit customers can implement to improve the quality of their service with their provider.

Primary authors

Mr Stefan Funke ( Theo Voss (

Presentation materials