Mar 6 – 7, 2025
Scandic Copenhagen
Europe/Copenhagen timezone

When the hackers are inside the building: running a network for, and learning the lessons from penetration testers

Mar 7, 2025, 1:30 PM
Scandic Copenhagen

Scandic Copenhagen

Vester Søgade 6, 1601 Copenhagen
Full talk (up to 30 minutes) DKNOG Main Track


Julia Freeman


Most admins spend their working life trying to keep malware, hackers, and their tools outside of their network. However, for the last four and a bit years, I've been working with the opposite problem. Running a network for a penetration testing company. Where the pentesters are using all the tools we'd normally like to keep a long way away from our network.

From threatmodelling, to implementation, in this talk I'll go through some of the unusual design and operational aspects of this unique usecase, as well as some of the examples we as an organisation have been able to learn from those we pentest.

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