Mar 14 – 15, 2019
Park Inn by Radisson Copenhagen Airport Hotel
Europe/Copenhagen timezone

400G - don't get confused with this transceiver generation & IEEE 802.3bs

Mar 14, 2019, 4:00 PM
Park Inn by Radisson Copenhagen Airport Hotel

Park Inn by Radisson Copenhagen Airport Hotel

Engvej 171, 2300 København, Denmark
Standard talk (30 minutes) DKNOG9


Thomas Weible (FLEXOPTIX GmbH)


Transmission speed of 400G is becoming a reality, with new challenges for optical and electrical components in high speed systems emerging as well.
PAM4 modulation is one key component for 400G transmission with transceivers following Ethernet IEEE 802.3bs, this talk will be a show and tell into PAM4. With this knowledge, the design decisions behind the new formfactors OSFP, QSFP-DD, SFP56-DD and µQSFP are easier to understand.
This talk will help you to:
Design / build new kind of applications or connections with your networking gear in the field
100G will no longer be the fast option for IXP interconnections soon DR, FR4 and LR4 at 400G will be available
Avoid pitfalls when designing your racks
Be aware how power consumption and new plugs will be part of the new world of 400G transceivers.

Primary author

Thomas Weible (FLEXOPTIX GmbH)

Presentation materials