Presentation materials
BIO routing is a project to create a versatile, fast and reliable routing daemon in Golang (BIO = BGP + IS-IS + OSPF).
We would like to present the current state of the BIO routing project. The talk should cover the following key points:
* Why another routing daemon?
* Key concepts and focus of BIO
* Current feature set of BIO
* Using BIO as library to implement specific tools like route...
Prometheus is a timeseries database at the heart of a modern monitoring system. This presentation will explain how it works, and also introduce the major players in the Prometheus ecosystem: Alertmanager, blackbox_exporter, snmp_exporter and so on.
I would like to present at DKNOG09 about what good peering takes.
I am a network administrator at Parknet and in 2018 we became a member of NL-IX and I would like to talk about how it takes effort to make good peering work. On the route server we at first only saw 4-5G of traffic but after actively pursuing peering partners and requesting we are now having to upgrade from 20G to a 100G port.
This is a quick update on PeeringDB. For newcomers to DKNOG, we first introduce PeeringDB. After that we highlight two of the most important recent developemnts / features
With the price of transit being lower than ever, why do you want to peer in 2019? This lighting talk will investigate some of the non-financial reasons to peer – both for serviceproviders and enterprises