May 5 – 6, 2022
Park Inn by Radisson
Europe/Copenhagen timezone

Game-changing Innovation for Next-generation Networks

May 5, 2022, 11:30 AM
Park Inn by Radisson

Park Inn by Radisson

Engvej 171, DK-2300 Copenhagen S
Standard talk (30 minutes) DKNOG12


Mr Johan Bäck (Infinera)


XR optics technology purpose-built to break the inherent limitations of traditional point-to-point optical transmission solutions. XR optics paves the way for disruptive network economics as 5G, fiber deep, and hyperscale cloud connectivity impose new challenges on operators. With game-changing innovation in coherent optical subcarrier aggregation, XR optics introduces a new pluggable and software-enabled architecture. XR optics dramatically lowers cost and enhances deployment flexibility as the same coherent pluggable can be software-configured to operate in point-to-point or point-to-multipoint configurations. This will change optical networking as we know it today.

XR optics is an open technology initiative with the support of network operators, equipment manufacturers, and subsystem manufacturers.

Primary author

Mr Johan Bäck (Infinera)

Presentation materials