Mar 12 – 13, 2020
Europe/Copenhagen timezone

VPWS the new standard for E-line services

Not scheduled
Standard talk (30 minutes) DKNOG10


Mr Peter Lundqvist (System Engineer)


There have been several E-line services over the years, with purpose to create p2p transparant connection over L3 network. They all have variation of TCP based controlplanes, all more and less vendor specifics or even usefull. With the introduction and increased popularity of EVPN unifying control plane with selective forwardingplane (MPLS or VXLAN), VPWS is the natural next step standardisation of E-line services. VPWS all based on EVPN, except no need for MAC lookup. This means Active-Active multihomed forwarding&redundancy. But most of all since its controlplane purely BGP based it uses well-know functions regards discovery, convergence and scale. The same policies applied can now be used for E-line services. Session aims to explain the details and building blocks of the VPWS that is expected to replace most currently p2p -E-line services, with a few laughs guaranteed :)

Primary author

Mr Peter Lundqvist (System Engineer)

Presentation materials